Project-based learning

Project-based learning is implemented starting the Early Years Center. This exposes our students to quicker problem-solving, analyzing and adapting to the fast-changing world.

Project-based learning goes beyond the framework of lessons. At every stage students work on their projects. By doing so, our students treat life situations as projects that they can divide and solve step by step.

Projects help students

  • Find the best solutions for problem-solving
  • Divide any challenge into steps
  • Develop self-organization skills 
  • Use creative ways of presentation
  • Develop self presentation and pitching skills

Primary school students hold their project presentation every 6 weeks at the end of the transdisciplinary theme

where parents are welcomed to join.

At the end of the school year Grade 5 students prepare for the Exhibition, where they present their personal project.

Every student has a mentor, tutoring him and providing him with help and support.

Middle school students present their projects at the end of the unit, which is another way of working together with the teacher.


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