Teaching positions
Наша команда – это опытные, квалифицированные педагоги, которые создают who create a space where children learn to think freely, make conscious decisions and continue their education throughout their lives.
Teaching positions
KIS – это пространство, где каждый педагог реализует свой профессиональный и личностный потенциал. It is vital for us that everyone can complete their tasks, interact with colleagues, give feedback on success and failures and come to a high-quality result.

We are happy to share our knowledge and are glad when our teachers have such opportunities. Therefore, we organize meetings with colleagues, hold conferences, talk about our successful and unsuccessful experience.

Every year our teachers participate in international professional development workshops.
Each new member of the Primary School team undergoes compulsory instruction in the teaching of the early childhood education and elementary school of the International Baccalaureate (IB)
KIS is a place of interest for everyone: children can ask questions and find answers, teachers can introduce new pedagogical ideas, parents can change with us.

We are hiring


Teaching assistant for Primary School

Primary School teacher

If you haven’t found a position, but you’re eager to join our school, contact us at (mail)