Early Years Center
Where it all begins
The children are exposed to a stimulating environment, which engages them in creativity, problem-solving and inquiry.
The Early Years curriculum prepares children for Primary school and provides the foundation of communication skills.

How it goes
Центр дошкольного образования посещают дети от 3 до 6 лет. Детский сад является международным отделением школы. The whole school day is in English. Each class has an English speaking qualified teacher and a full-time local teaching assistant, fluent in both English and Russian. For those students who come with poor level of English there is extra language support from the teaching assisstant.
Our philosophy
- The child is the heart of educational process
- Safe and comfortable environment
- Individual approach
- Play-based learning
- Inquiry-based lessons
- Engaging activities based on childrens’ interests

IB PYP curriculum is based on an inquiry-based approach.
Throughout the year, students study 4 out of 6 transdisciplinary themes.
На изучение каждой темы отводится примерно 10-12 недель.
IB PYP Curriculum framework includes:
- Literacy
- Mathematics
- Reading

Additional curriculum subjects are:




Wall climbing


Several times per week students visit the Library.
The last week of each transdisciplinary theme is devoted to a project, reflecting the acquired knowledge.
Students choose the suitable format for their presentation.
“End of Unit Celebration” is held as a final event of each unit, where parents are welcomed to join.
На этом мероприятии учащиеся представляют свои проекты, демонстрируя знания и навыки полученные в ходе 10 недель.
The Early Years Center is open for children aged 3-6. This promotes quicker development of younger kids and reinforcement of the following attitudes of older kids :
- Care
- Responsibility
- Self-discipline
All learning outcomes are worked out according to the age and personality of every student. At the beginning of each unit a pre-assessment of prior knowledge is held, which leads to an individual learning plan on every subject.
8:30 | Start of the day |
8:40-9:10 | Morning circle, UOI |
9:15-9:35 | Breakfast |
9:40-10:00 | Outside playtime |
10:00-10:40 | Inquiry-based lessons |
10:40 -11:20 | Additional subjects (karate, music, dance, cooking, climbing, library time) |
11:25-12:05 | Literacy / Mathematics |
12:20:12:40 | Lunch |
12:45-13:15 | Outside playtime |
13:20 — 14:00 | Additional subjects (karate, music, dance, cooking, climbing, library time) |
14:00 — 14:40 | Inquiry / Play |
14:45 — 15:00 | Snack |
15:00-15:20 | Reflection time |
15:20-15:30 | Tidy up time |

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